
October 25, 2018

Young Lives Peru and Grupo Sofía win in the Premio Poder to the Think Tank of the Year

We congratulate the longitudinal study Young Lives Peru for winning the special prize of the jury and the Group Sofia —of which we are part together with the Institute of Peruvian Studies IEP, the Research Center of the Universidad del Pacífico (CIUP) and the Center for Sociological Research , Economics, Politics and Anthropology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (CISEPA-PUCP)— for winning the best gender research in the Power of Think Tank of the Year Award, organized by Poder Magazine and the On Think Tanks platform.

The researchers of Young Lives Peru, Santiago Cueto, Mary Penny (Institute of Nutritional Research) and Alan Sanchez received the award, as well as the researchers of Grupo Sofia: Cynthia Sanborn (CIUP), Lorena Alcázar, Patricia Ames (IEP) and Patricia Ruiz Bravo ( CISEPA-PUCP) received the award.