
February 6, 2019La República

Preliminary findings of Young Marriage and Parenthood Study (YMAPS) in Peru

Vanessa Rojas, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE and Coordinator of the Qualitative Component of Young Lives in Peru, shared in Radio Nacional the preliminary findings of the Young Marriage and Parenthood (YMAPS) qualitative studies, show the perceptions of young women and men about their experiences in cohabitation, pregnancy, maternity/paternity to an early age.

Qualitative evidence of interviews and focal groups was gathered in three districts of the country (urban, suburb and rural). A sub-sample was taken from the longitudinal study Young Lives (also known as Niños del Milenio in Peru) from men a women who at the time of the information gathering were mostly 24 years old. The study shows how poverty, gender social rules and violence are causes that take part in the decision of starting cohabitation. Final results of this research are going to be presented in next months.