
Implementation of the ConectaIdeas program remotely in public schools

Areas : Education and learning
Researcher/s in charge : Claudia Sugimaru, Santiago Cueto
Other researchers : Jessica Simon, , , Andrés Sánchez, Luis Beltrán, Gera Ríos
Execution time:July 2020


This project aims to expand the ConectaIdeas intervention to promote mathematics learning in public schools in Lima. The project has been implemented since 2019 by GRADE jointly with the University of Chile and the IDB, in alliance with the Ministry of Education. The intervention includes 4th and 5th grade primary students from 42 public schools in Metropolitan Lima, who will access the program through digital devices, in coordination with their teachers and directors of educational institutions. Eventually it is expected to expand the program to other public schools in Lima or other regions. The project will evaluate student access to the platform as a result of different strategies, including differentiated SMS to parents, as well as teachers.