
Update of the guide for the preparation of Life Plans

Researcher/s in charge : Manuel Glave, Margarita Huamán
Other researchers : Oriana Heredia
Execution time:September 2022


On the sidelines of the Project “Ensuring food and nutritional security and improving the resilience of the indigenous people livelihoods of the Peruvian Amazon affected by COVID-19” implemented by FAO, technical support was provided to the Ministry of Culture in updating the Life Plan, the main instrument for collective and communal planning in indigenous development. The project “Updating the guidance for elaboraing Life Plans”, undertake by GRADE, aims to have an updated version of the document “Life Plan: Guidance for collective planning” published in 2016 by the Ministry. The project consists of to reviewing, updating, improving and adapting the document “Life Plan Guidance for Collective Planning”, so that the guidance it provides to those who elaborate Life Plans is accurate, complete and updated.  In addition to the proposed methodology, the project aims and builds a group of strategies to implement: the articulation of the Life Plans with other territorial planning instruments; and the indigenous participation process, which will allow the presentation, validation and implementation of the updated document by the indigenous organizations, as well as by other relevant actors in the Life Plans topics. In such a way that, together with the governing body, multi-sectoral spaces are promoted to generate the conditions to formalize and legitimize the participatory planning instrument.