
Panorama de los programas DIT de visitas domiciliarias en América Latina y el Caribe

Areas : Poverty and equality
Researcher/s in charge : Gabriela Guerrero
Other researchers : Marcela Ponce de León
Execution time:November 2022


The study aims to provide a detailed overview of public child development programs that use home visits for families with children under 6 years of age in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The characterization of the services will take into account the institutional and regulatory basis of the programs, their coverage, the description of the service provided to families including information on the curriculum and human resources needed, program management and costs, and their monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.

Based on this descriptive information by program (country), a regional cross-sectional analysis will be conducted to discuss the following issues regarding child development programs that use home visits:

(i) the fraction of coverage that home visiting programs represent with respect to center-based programs;

ii) the advantages and disadvantages of relying on the voluntary work of community actors to carry out home visits, considering among the arguments: possibilities for program expansion, cost issues, program quality, limits between volunteering and employment;

iii) gender equity aspects implicit in the design and implementation of the programs; iv) comparison of costs and packages; v) comparison of costs and packages;

iv) comparison of costs and packages; and) evidence on the impact of this type of programs based on home visits on early child development.