
National Conference “Food Safety in Food Markets: Approaches from the Biological and Social Sciences”.

Areas : Rural development and agriculture
Researcher/s in charge : Unidad de Proyectos y Desarrollo Profesional
Execution time:March 2023


This conference takes place within the framework of the project “Governance and Safety of Meat Chains in Peru (GICCAP)”, financed by CONCYTEC-FONDECYT and Medical Research Council (UK), as part of the Newton Paulet fund and supported by the British Embassy, which arises as an initiative to identify supply markets as spaces where there are several problems of health and food safety, coupled with the complexity of their governance systems. The conference seeks to bring together representatives of Peruvian institutions involved in food safety in food markets, public officials and researchers to present the main findings of the project and promote a discussion on public policies on the subject, including ways to improve the information provided to vendors and consumers.