
Infrastructure for rural development

Areas : Rural development and agriculture
Researcher/s in charge : Álvaro Espinoza, Javier Escobal
Other researchers : Marcos Izaguirre
Execution time:April 2022


The aim of this study is to carry out an analysis that supports the development of a rural infrastructure strategy through the lens of the productive potential of the subnational regions of Peru, mainly for the territories and value chains prioritized by the PROREGION program. The findings will help inform a new generation of rural infrastructure programs in Peru in the context of World Bank Group operations. The analysis will also assess whether the existing planning instruments for investments in rural infrastructure in Peru, the regional development plans and the analytical studies used by PROREGION, follow the best methodological practice to prioritize investments in rural infrastructure based on the potential effective productive capacity of the territories in a way that maximizes synergies between infrastructure sectors and development benefits, also considering exposure to climate risk. Finally, based on the above, the study will help to assess whether, in regions where financing gaps in the road sector are significant, investment and maintenance expenses are properly prioritized based on the effective productive potential of the territories and the climate resilience of the road network.