
Earnings and employment

Areas : Poverty and equality
Researcher/s in charge : Juan Jose Diaz
Execution time:January 2009 - May 2009


This study analyzes trends in employment and earnings during 1997-2007. The study explores how the labor market has adjusted during the recession and recovery of 1997-2001, and the subsequent expansion of the economy during 2002-2007.

Specific objectives:

1. Identify and explain trends in earnings and employment during the period 1997-2007, for Peru as a whole and for relevant groups, including: (i) sector of economic activity; (ii) formal and informal sector; (iii) category employment status (employee, self-employed, unpaid worker); (iv) firm size; and (v) demographic groups (gender, age, and education).

2. Explore changes in the elasticity of real earnings and employment with respect to economic growth.

3. Analyze real earnings dynamics for the period 2002-06, using panel data.

4. Explain changes in per capita household income, identifying the relative importance of its components: income per worker, number of workers, number of dependents, and family size.

The analysis is based on information from the National Household Survey (ENAHO).

This study has been commissioned by the World Bank as part of the “Peru Labor Market Study”.