
Community participation in the prevention of gender-based violence: The case of the Red de Lideresas Justa of the Justa Project, Villa El Salvador for Justice and Equality of the UNDP

Areas : Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Researcher/s in charge : Lorena Alcazar, Wilson Hernández
Execution time:November 2020


The project will undertake the elaboration of a methodological booklet that aims to be a guide for the creation and strengthening of projects based on networks of leading women’s organizations to work at the local level to reduce gender-based violence. The guide is based on the systematization of the experience of the Red de Lideresas Justa in organizing and involving women in the prevention and care of gender-based violence in Villa El Salvador. The systematization aims to promote and guide similar initiatives in other regions or countries. The development of this guide used information from different sources, documentaries and testimonies of women who participate and lead the women’s organizations of the Villa el Salvador district, as well as other actors who have worked with them for several years (such as representatives of the Municipality or the Ombudsman’s Office) and NGOs with more than a decade of work in the area).