
Miguel Jaramillo was a panelist in the UP and World Bank webinar, Formalize to Grow

Date : 16/06/2021
Hour : 3:00 pm
Location:Facebook Banco Mundial
Area/s : Employment, productivity and innovation

“You have the right to social protection because you are a citizen of this country. The idea is how to change the focus from a Bismarckian system, where social security is tied to an labour relationship, to one where we have the right to social protection as citizens. Therefore, this would no longer be financed by the firms’ payroll, but through general taxes. It is a huge transition, but one that we must put on the agenda.” Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, was a panelist at the Formalize to Grow webinar, held by the Universidad del Pacífico and the World Bank.

Watch the recording of the event here.