Godfrid, J.; A. Ulloa, G. Damonte, C. Quiroga y A. López (2020). Minería y conflictos en torno al control ambiental. La experiencia de monitoreos hídricos en la Argentina, el Perú y Colombia [Documento de Investigación, 104]. Lima: GRADE; UNAL.

The water issue is one of the engines of the multiple environmental conflicts generated by the expansion of large-scale mining in Andean territories. In response to the water hoarding by companies, the obstacles for the available population of this resource and the contamination of the sources, claims are made regarding environmental control by the State.

This study —which addresses the cases of three mines located in Argentina, Peru and Colombia— shows that, given the lack of access and channels of participation, as well as the mistrust of official information by the States and companies, community water monitoring processes emerge that seek to legitimize and articulate with long-term territorial defense movements.