Glave, M. y Borasino, E. (2018). Gobernanza forestal y sostenibilidad en la Amazonía: avances y desafíos de políticas en el Perú (Informe final). Lima: CIES.

Despite the change in the legal regime of 2001, forest management is still not very sustainable. In 2011, a new forestry law was approved (No. 29763). Which aspects of forest governance have improved and which are still a challenge are questions that this research seeks to answer. While this new law has brought substantial changes, since all the principles of forest governance are covered, the challenges revolve around its implementation. Especially to strengthen regional forestry authorities, implement management committees, and consolidate CONAFOR, SINAFOR and SNIFFS. Furthermore, it is necessary to carry out an evaluation of the concession model. With regard to gender, the leap at the normative level has been important, but it is not yet reflected in practice.