León, Juan y Min-Jong Youn (2016). El efecto de los procesos escolares en el rendimiento en Matemática y las brechas de rendimiento debido a diferencias socioeconómicas de los estudiantes peruanos. Revista Peruana de Investigación Educativa, 8, 149-180.

International, regional and national evaluations have shown that Peruvian
students have serious learning deficiencies in math. Thus, in order to improve Peruvian education, it is key to identify variables of school processes that could ameliorate the educational results in terms of educational quality and educational equity. Using 2012 PISA datasets, we estimate a HLM with Random Coefficients in order to model the effect on math achievement and the achievement gap due to socioeconomic differences. Our results show that, among the variables of school processes used in the present study, a disciplinary climate in class has a positive and significant effect on math achievement, while an adequate school atmosphere
and the students’ sense of belonging have an effect on achievement gaps due to socioeconomic differences