León, J., Sugimaru, C. y Salas, A. (2019). El conocimiento del contenido por parte de los docentes y su relación con el rendimiento de los estudiantes de sexto de primaria: una mirada a las tres regiones naturales del Perú. Lima: GRADE. Documentos de Investigación, 99.

Literature has shown the importance of both the figure of the teacher and the variables associated with the educational context, since they directly affect learning and can be influenced by short-term policies.

This study determines the knowledge of the content —level of knowledge regarding the disciplinary area taught— of the teachers of Mathematics of the coast, highlands and jungle, and analyzes the factors that explain it.

It is found, on the one hand, that the socioeconomic level, the mother tongue and the sex of the teacher are associated with a high knowledge of the content; and on the other, that the management and school infrastructure affect the level of knowledge of the content of the teacher. It should be noted that the effects of both findings are not the same in the three natural regions —coast, highlands and jungle—. Finally, it can be affirmed that the knowledge of the high content by the teacher positively and significantly affects student performance, both nationally and in the regions.