Ulloa, A.; C. Quiroga & G. Damonte (2020). Minería y conflictos en torno a la contaminación del agua: la experiencia de monitoreos hídricos comunitarios en La Guajira, Colombia [Análisis & Propuestas, 49]. Lima: GRADE; UNAL.

Large-scale mining produces socio-environmental conflicts related to water pollution, in relation to quality, both States, companies and communities have promoted monitoring. Businesses and states focus on expert knowledge that devalues community water monitoring (MHC), which is based on local knowledge, day-to-day practices, and technical knowledge of networking with various social actors, evidencing contamination and hoarding of the water. We argue that MHCs should be recognized, for comprehensive monitoring of the effects of mining on water, and to highlight the environmental implications of mining in different cultural and territorial contexts.