Alcázar, L. (2019). Las brechas que perduran: una radiografía de la exclusión social en Perú. Lima: BID.

Peru achieved many of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) before the 2015 deadline, a sign of the great economic and social advances of recent decades. However, the high levels of heterogeneity that persist in the development indicators show the high inequalities in the country, particularly in relation to traditionally excluded groups such as women, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants.

This study, developed by Lorena Alcazar for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), first introduces the characterization of the vulnerable groups considered. Then, it presents the main socioeconomic gaps that these groups face in relation to education, employment, income, poverty and health, also considering the intersectorality of the most excluded groups, in particular that of indigenous women. Third, it reviews the institutional framework of attention to marginal groups, main norms, agreements and programs aimed at addressing their socio-economic problems. Finally, the study presents conclusions and public policy recommendations.