
Vanessa Rojas will be speaker at a MIMP dialogue on violence-free parenting practices for healthy family functioning

Date : 20/05/2021
Hour : 9:00 am
Location:Zoom del MIMP
Area/s : Ethnicity, gender and citizenship

Vanessa Rojas, associated researcher at GRADE, will share the study “Experiences of violence throughout the life cycle. Evidence from the longitudinal study Young Lives Peru”, as part of a Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) dialogue on violence-free parenting practices for healthy family functioning. The aim of the event is to sensitize both women and men regarding the importance of exercising parenting practices free of violence to achieve healthy family functioning.

The opening remarks will be given by Cynthia Vila, Vice Minister of Vulnerable Populations. Before Rojas’s presentation, Gaby Reyes, UNICEF’s Office for Protection of Children and Adolescents, will present “Impact of daily violence on the integral development of children and adolescents”. The closing remkars will be given by Lilian Mejía, director (e) for the Strengthening of Families at the General Directorate of Family and Community.

Zoom live streaming.

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