
Seminario internacional Estrategias comunitarias contra el hambre en pandemia: experiencias de Perú, Chile y Uruguay

Date : 22/11/2022
Hour : 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Location:Zoom y Facebook de GRADE
Area/s : Poverty and equality, Health and nutrition

The Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) and the Latin American Center for Rural Development (RIMISP) held the International Seminar Community Strategies against the Hunger in Pandemic: experiences from Peru, Chile and Uruguay 

The virtual seminar proposed to advance in the design of proposals and recommendations on the functioning of common pots, popular pots and other community responses to hunger in Peru, Chile and Uruguay. In addition, they highlighted issues regarding the current food and health situation; and jointly analyzed these issuesin order to visualize future projections for regional public policy proposals.

This event is part of the COVID-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) initiative supported by the International Development Research Center (IDRC).

Resiliencia en tiempos de pandemia: el caso de las ollas comunes en Lima, Perú (Avances de Investigación, 41)
Resiliencia en tiempos de pandemia: el caso de las ollas comunes en Lima, Perú (Análisis & Propuestas, 65)
Resilience in a pandemic: the case of community pots in Lima, Peru (Análisis & Propuestas, 66)

Check the full agenda here.