
Manuel Glave joined the launch of the Work 4 Progress program in Peru

Date : 28/11/2018
Location:Universidad Antonio Ruiz De Montoya (Av. Paso de los Andes 970, Pueblo Libre)
Area/s : Rural development and agriculture, Employment, productivity and innovation

Our senior researcher, Manuel Glave, joined the launch of the Work 4 Progress program in our country. The theme of th event was “The work we want: Social innovation in Peru”.

The initiative aims to achieve the improvement of the individual and familiar income of women and young people of the Andean and Amazonian indigenous rural people through innovative strategies. Besides Peru, Work 4 Progress takes place in India and Mozambique.

Manuel chaired the first session which addressed the posibilities and challenges to grow of the young people and women in rural territories. The event was organized by Obra Social “la Caixa”, Entreculturas, Fe y Alegría and Universidad Antonio Ruiz De Montoya.

More information about the program here.