
Juan León was a panelist at the 4th Latin American Congress on Educational Measurement and Evaluation

Date : 21/10/2021
Hour : 4:05 pm - 5:20 pm
Location:Web de COLMEE 2021
Area/s : Education and learning

Juan León was a panelist on the second day of the IV Latin American Congress of Educational Measurement and Evaluation COLMEE 2021. As part of the session on parental involvement, expectations and practices associated with development and learning, our main researcher shared the study “The effect of practices parents in the child development of girls and boys under three years of the Peruvian Jungle”, undertook together with Beatriz Oré, Martín Benavides, Gabriela Conde and Alejandra Miranda.

The event was held by the MIDE UC Measurement Center of the School of Psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.