
Integrity Week 2022: UNDP Peru and GRADE organize panel on innovation and evidence generation for the prevention and fight against corruption

Date : 06/12/2022
Hour : 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Area/s : State reform and public institutions

UNDP Peru and GRADE invite you to the panel “New spaces for innovation and generation of evidence for the prevention and fight against corruption”, in the framework of Integrity Week 2022 organized by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

This panel will share innovative initiatives for the generation of evidence to improve the results of public policies to prevent and fight corruption. One of the panel presentations will address the work of the Anti-Corruption Innovation Lab (ACIL), an initiative of GRADE and UNDP.

Participants: Sebastián Salomón-Ballada (The Behavioural Insights Team), Svenja Bonnecke (Oficina de Asesoría Legal Anticorrupción de Chile Transparente), Denise Ledgard (UNDP Peru) and Denisse Rodríguez Olivari (PUCP).

Register your attendance aquí.

Visit the event page aquí.