
GRADE researchers at LASA 2021, Global crisis, inequalities and the centrality of life

Date : 25/05/2021 → 29/05/2021
Location:Web de LASA
Area/s : Ethnicity, gender and citizenship

Our researchers Vanessa Rojas and Wilson Hernández will be speakers at the international virtual congress of the Latin American Studies Association LASA 2021, organized from May 26 to 29.

According to the Congress website, under the theme Global crisis, inequalities and the centrality of life, the event will be a meeting for reflection and exchange on how the pandemic has changed the social, political and economic life of our Latin American and Caribbean societies and pending challenges.

Vanessa Rojas will be a presenter at the table Childhood in non-school spaces: how are children living their childhood?, together with Monique Voltarelli (University of Brasilía), Valeria S. Llobet (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research CONICET, UNSAM ), Joanna G. Dreby (University of Albany) and Daniela Poblete Godoy (Autonomous University of Barcelona).

Wilson Hernández will be a speaker at the Violence Against Women table in times of COVID, along with Tatiana Rein Venegas (University of Chile), Fernanda R. Page Poma (PyG UNSAM / CONICET), and Lety Elvir Lazo (Independent Scholar). Wilson will present: “The question is not if it increased, but how it changed: Effect of pandemic on the structure of calls received by the Peruvian domestic violence helpline”.