
GRADE and CAF held a discussion on the findings of the book Institutions for Productivity

Date : 11/07/2019
Hour : 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Location:Auditorio de GRADE (Av. Almirante Grau 915, Barranco)
Area/s : Employment, productivity and innovation

The low prices of feedstocks in the international market have returned, together with an uncertain environment of “commercial wars”. This trend has highlighted the need to redouble efforts to promote a sustained increase in productivity as a path towards sustainable economic growth that will allow the level of welfare of the most developed nations to be reached.

In effect, today Peru is focused on the development of a National Competitiveness Plan. A policy that aims to lay the foundations for a sustained growth of productivity, as a solid base for the increase in the welfare of Peruvians.

The starting point to improve productivity is to have a clear diagnosis. The recent report of CAF – development bank of Latin America, Institutions for Productivity, offers evidence of a set of problems associated with economic institutions in the region and how these problems compromise productivity.

In the framework of these findings, GRADE held a space for discussion for academics and policy makers, to help identify the priority areas that should be part of the National Competitiveness Plan for the sustainable and inclusive development of the country. The presentation was given by Lian Allub, CAF’s chief economist, who received the comments of Miguel Jaramillo, senior researcher at GRADE; Hugo Ñopo, ILO’s chief economist for the region, and Pedro Herrera, executive director of the National Council for Competitiveness and Formalization.

You can download the executive summary here.

A recap of the event: