
Gabriela Guerrero will share findings on surveys to measure the impact of the pandemic on child development in the region

Date : 09/12/2020
Hour : 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Location:Zoom Diálogo Interamericano
Area/s : Education and learning

The pandemic has created difficulties in measuring the development of children in Latin America and the Caribbean. Traditional methods for measuring the growth of minors are not feasible since it is not possible to visit homes in person. Due to these obstacles, many countries in the region have sought new ways of evaluating development from a distance in order to gather information on the impact of the pandemic on this age group and plan informed interventions.

In this event, Gabriela Guerrero, senior researcher at GRADE, will share the findings of her study on the surveys created and implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean to measure the impact of the pandemic on child development. Her remarks will be discussed by Claudia Zamora, national manager of the Chile Crece Contigo Educational Program at the Ministry of Social Development, Chile, and Ricardo Bucio, executive secretary of the National System for the Comprehensive Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents, Mexico.

The event is organized by the Regional Network for the Measurement of Child Development (REMDI) of the Inter-American Dialogue.

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