
Gabriela Guerrero joined the Colombian Ministry of Education event “Measuring education: what do we measure, why do we measure and how do we use and will use the results?”

Date : 19/07/2018
Hour : 3:40 pm - 4:50 pm
Location:Auditorio Teresa Cuervo del Museo Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia

Our senior researcher, Gabriela Guerrero, joined the Ministry of National Education of Colombia event titled “Measuring education: what do we measure, why do we measure and how do we use and will use the results?”, which brought together international and national experts, academics and foundations to analyze the achievements of the Colombian educational sector and to know the recommendations given in the report “Review of efficient use of school resources for Colombia”, issued by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) .

During the second day, Gabriela was part of the panel on the provision of educational service. Given that the elements of governance necessary for a good service provision converge in educational institutions and, as a central element, teaching and learning practices, this session addressed the question: What is required in this space for the right to education? Is education quality?