
Eduardo Zegarra was a speaker at the PERUSAN dialogue Zero hunger and food security: priority in regional and municipal agendas

Date : 02/09/2022
Hour : 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location:Zoom de PERUSAN
Area/s : Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition

“We have very serious flaws in the agri-food systems, which are highly distorted by the presence of industrial interests in which the importation of transgenic and processed foods predominates. There is little connection between the food industry and national agricultural production. Not even the State buys from family farming, which is abandoned to its fate”.

Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra was a speaker in a dialogue of the Initiative for Food and Nutritional Security (PERUSAN) on nutritional food security in Peru in the regional and municipal electoral context.

Watch the full video here. Eduardo’s presentation begins at minute 6.