
2nd UNFV Economics Student Forum: Eduardo Zegarra will discuss Peru’s rural and agricultural challenges and opportunities

Date : 20/10/2017
Hour : 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Location:Paraninfo del local central de la UNFV (Av. Nicolás de Piérola 351, Lima)
Area/s : Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict

Challenges and opportunities for rural and agrarian issues in Peru for 2030 will be discussed by Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, as part of the 2nd Forum of Economics Students of the National University Federico Villareal  (UNFV), an event taking place from 18 to 20 October 2017. The meeting, whose theme this year is “Peru, country of opportunity: on the way to 2030”, is held by Grupo Integración Económica UNFV.