
Santiago Cueto, Vanessa Rojas and Liliana Miranda will be speakers at the PUCP seminar, Peruvian education in times of pandemic.

Date : 24/11/2022 → 25/11/2022
Hour : 10:30 am - 5:30 pm
Location:Facebook de la Facultad de CCSS PUCP
Area/s : Education and learning

Our researchers Santiago Cueto, Vanessa Rojas and Liliana Miranda will be speakers at the seminar organized by the School of Social Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), “Peruvian education in times of pandemic: not only shortcomings, but also strengths”.

This two-day event aims to contribute to the understanding of the responses of the Peruvian education system and its main actors to the pedagogical and social challenges posed by virtual education in a situation as difficult as unexpected, namely the COVID-19 pandemic.

Check the full agenda of the event here