
Evaluation of the Agrarian Competitiveness Program – IADB

Areas : Rural development and agriculture, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes
Researcher/s in charge : Eduardo Zegarra
Execution time:May 2013 - June 2013


A retrospective analysis will be conducted within the Third Agrarian Competitiveness and Innovation Program on the evolution and performance of the framework of agricultural and livestock policies of Peru during the effective term of the three programmatic loans (policy-based programs -PBPs). Furthermore, an analysis will also be conducted on the evolution of the main macroeconomic variables with influence on the agricultural sector.  The analysis will use as base the economic openness context and signing of free trade agreements that gave rise to the program and will evaluate the set of measures adopted by the country in matters concerning agriculture and livestock policy, establishing, to the extent possible, the contribution and relevance of each of the components of the PBP funded by the IADB.