
Learning about the complementarities of conditional cash transfer programs and productive support programs for rural households in poverty situation

Areas : Rural development and agriculture, Poverty and equality
Researcher/s in charge : Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce
Other researchers : Mauricio Espinoza
Execution time:November 2012 - October 2014


The Project pursues two objectives.  In the first place, it seeks to evaluate the complementarity impacts of the interventions of the JUNTOS and FONCODES programs in three dimensions:  (i) vulnerability and living conditions of intervened households; (ii) strategies for generation of sustainable income; and (iii) investment in human capital of their youngest members.  In the second place, the Project seeks to systematize the processes for allocation of resources to poor rural households that may benefit from the articulated deployment of these two programs.  In particular, it seeks to:  (i) systematize the resource allocation experience through competitive process (inter-families, inter-communities, and local committees’ mechanism for allocation of resources – (CLAR)) and (ii) systematize articulation between local managers of JUNTOS and FONCODES.  Insofar as the project achieves its goals, it further seeks to: (i) contribute to the design and implementation of the strategy to dose the conditional cash transfer program JUNTOS, under the Ministry of Social Development and Inclusion (MIDIS); and (ii) contribute with the National System for Social Development and Inclusion (SINADIS) towards improving the articulation strategies between public programs and between government divisions to make better use of the complementarity of the interventions aimed at inclusive development.