
Monitoring of Social Changes for the areas of influence of Project La Granja

Areas : Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Researcher/s in charge : Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave
Other researchers : Margarita Huamán
Execution time:July 2014


As of 2008, GRADE has been conducting a series of research studies to identify and monitor the main social and economic impacts in the area of direct influence of the mining Project La Granja, in the district of Querocoto (Province of Chota, Cajamarca).   Along this research line and by assignment from Rio Tinto Minera Perú (RTMP) company that administrates and conducts Project La Granja, GRADE executed the first phase of the study “Changes and development:  Ways of life in the areas of influence of Project La Granja”, identifying the social changes, trends, formation of synergies among the different types of social changes and the first indication of the degree of influence exercised by the mining project in the evolution of such changes occurred in the district of Queracoto.  Once identified, such changes were classified as background (direct/indirect impacts and external factors), social changes and their effects at family level.  This phase of the study concluded with the formation of cause-effect type relations between the different changes identified and their backgrounds and effects.  This research initiates the second phase, aiming at preparing a methodological proposal for the design of a monitoring system of the changes, based on the changes observed in the first qualitative phase of the research. The proposal focuses on the development of a monitoring system concerning the changes that the interventions of RTMP (employment, provisioning, other) generate directly and indirectly in the local context and the households.