
Conditioning factors and heterogeneity of impacts of the improvements on the rural roads of Peru

Areas : Rural development and agriculture, State reform and public institutions
Researcher/s in charge : Martin Valdivia
Execution time:July 2008


The purpose of this study is to estimate the impact of the maintenance strategy of rural roads that the PCR has been implementing, on the economic opportunities and the general well-being level of the rural beneficiary households. The specific goals are: 1) identify the mechanisms through which the improvements in the maintenance of rural roads has benefited the rural beneficiary households; 2) identify the factors that condition the presence of the positive effects of the PCR interventions, particularly on poverty reduction and increase of employment opportunities; 3) identify what village clusters, households, or individuals have benefited the most (least) with the PCR interventions; 4) Evaluate the strength of the estimated effects to adjustments associated to the presence of other interventions in the roads treated and those for control and to the loss of observations between the different data gathering rounds (attrition). While local and international literature is expectant about the potential of this kind of investments in maintenance of rural roads for rural poverty reduction, the truth is that robust empiric evidence of its impact is still scarce, in many cases due to the lack of an adequate impact evaluation strategy.

Check related publications:

Chong, Alberto y Martín Valdivia (2018). Health Impacts of a Public–Private Partnership Rural Roads Maintenance Programme. En: Journal of International Development.

Valdivia, Martín (2010). Contracting the road to development: early impacts of a rural roads program. Quebec: PEP. 40 p. PMMA Working paper, 18.